Self Extracting Vault

Self extracting vaults allow you to send encrypted files to friends and associates without requiring that they have the Enigma application (or any encryption program). They can double click on the self extracting vault icon, enter a key, and then get a vault window similar to the regular Enigma vault window. Enigma can open self extracting vaults to add, rename, and delete files as normal. Receivers of self extracting vaults can only extract files, not add or rename. Self extracting vaults are protected with the same level of protection as the version of Enigma which created the vault. To create a self extracting vault select the "Create Self Extracting Vault..." from the file menu. It will prompt you for a filename and password. Once those are entered a normal looking vault window appears. Add, delete, or rename files as you normally would. After you close the vault you will see the self-extracting vault's icon on your desktop.

If you are a registered user the self-extracting vaults you create will be protected by full DES. You are free to send self-extracting vaults to anyone, including those with the limited DES version and those who have never heard of Enigma. But there is one thing you should be aware of. Although a receiver of a self-extracting vault can not use it for encryption it contains the DES algorithm and as such it might be a violation of US export law to send one to non-US/Canadian citizens. I'm not sure, if it's an issue for you then consult a lawyer.

Self extracting vaults do not have all of the capabilities of Enigma 2.5 vaults. You will not be able to create folders in self extracting vaults. Nor can you add comments. Self extracting vaults are limited to a capacity of 5 files in the freeware version and 200 files in the registered version.

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