Key Management

Figure 4: Key Management Options Dialog Box

Selecting "Key Management..." from the Options menu brings up the dialog box shown in figure 4. Each option is described in detail below

Remember Key During Session

Selecting the Remember Key option will use the first key entered by the user for the entire session. The key will be erased from memory just before the application exits. If you wish to enter a new key during a session select "Clear Key" from the Options menu. If you accidentally open a file with a different key from the "remembered" one, you will get an error message saying the key entered was invalid. If this happens the key is automatically cleared so you will be asked for a key again the next time you try to open a file or vault, even if the Remember Key option is on.

This option when combined with the Use default file names for output option [under File Handling options] will make it much easier to process large numbers of files at once. With both these options selected Enigma can operate unattended after a key is entered for the first file.

Hide Key While Entering

If this option is selected your key will be displayed with question marks in place of the characters you type. You will be asked to confirm your key entry to be sure you didn't make a mistake. You won't be able to use edit functions such as cut, paste, or the arrow keys. Only the delete/backspace key can be used to backup and change characters you know you mistyped. The confirmation process will assure that you don't enter an unintended key. Confirmation isn't done for decryption operations because the consequences of a mistyped key are much less drastic.

Beep When Encryption/Decryption Complete

This option, if selected, will cause the computer to either beep or play a sound when encryption is complete. If the system file contains a sound called Enigma Sound (name must be exact) that sound will play when an encryption or decryption operation is complete; otherwise a normal system beep will be played. If this option is not selected Enigma will not make any sound when an encryption or decryption is complete.

Clear Key/Close Vault After X Minutes Idle

If this option is selected you will be protected from accidentally leaving Enigma running unattended, possibly allowing someone else access to your files. If Enigma detects no activity for the specified period of time it will clear the key from memory and close any open vault. Any open info windows are closed as well.

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