Version 2.7 (released 12/97)
- A problem using drag and drop with Mac OS 8 has been fixed.
- Updated ordering information has been provided.
Version 2.6.2 (released 1/97)
- A problem selecting folders and multiple files in the vault window is fixed.
- Added reveal-invisible menu command for finding those invisible vaults.
- Fixed a problem that prevented using Self-extracting vaults in version 2.6.
- Fixed drag-manager crash with old (version 7.1 or older) system software.
- Fixed minor window position problem with two monitors
Version 2.6 (released 8/96)
- True Drag and Drop between open vaults and the Finder
- New mail address for Next Wave Software.
Version 2.5 (released 9/94)
- Folders can now be directly added to vaults
- Folder hierarchies maintained both while adding folders to vaults and extracting folders from vaults.
- Registered users can create vaults containing up to 800 files, unregistered users continue to be able to create vaults with up to five files.
- Clipboard encryption in a manner suitable for use in email.
- Encrypted files can be saved as binhex.
- A new status line across the top of the vault window shows number of files in vault, total size of vault, and amount of space that can be saved by compacting.
- A new interface makes it much easier to add many files and folders at once to a vault.
- Files and folders can be added to an open vault by dragging to the Enigma Application.
Version 2.4 (released 7/94)
- Enigma now runs in native mode on the Power Macintosh encrypting at speeds well above 100K/second.
- Changes have been made to make Enigma more compatible with Enigma for Windows 1.0 which was released simultaneously with version 2.4 for the Macintosh.
- Incorrect keys are now handled much more gracefully (again).
- A bug that occasionally resulted in items showing up in the trash as "rescued items" has been fixed.
- Fixed a crash when more than 255 files extracted from vaults in a single session.
Version 2.3 (released 4/94)
- Vaults are now hierarchical. Organize your vaults using folders. Folders can be extracted from a vault.
- Stronger encryption. Full DES versions of the program now use CBC mode for newly encrypted vaults and files. (See the section describing DES for what this means).
- Full DES vaults can now contain 200 files.
- A new dialog box makes it much easier to add multiple files at once to a vault.
- Vault windows are now fully resizeable. Size and position of a vault is remembered for the next time the vault is opened.
- A Get Info function for files in a vault gives detailed information about the file and allows a comment to be entered. The comment is saved in encrypted form.
- If cancel is selected during an encryption or decryption operation, any file that was being overwritten is restored.
- Finder flags, creation date, last modified date and custom icons are now preserved during encryption and restored during decryption.
- A large number of user interface improvements such as a moveable encryption status dialog.
- The file erase application Burn has been improved: User selectable erase pattern, user selectable number of erase passes, and the ability to erase free space on a disk (in case you accidentally deleted a file that should have been burned).
Version 2.2 (released 01/94)
- You can now create Self-extracting vaults so you can send files to your friend protected by encryption, even if they don't have the enigma application.
- Vault windows can now be resized along the vertical axis.
- If an incorrect key is entered, the key is cleared so key must be reentered by the user.
- Added new command key equivalents to open and close vault menu functions.
- New menu available when vaults are open, allowing command key equivalents for vault functions such as add, extract, rename, and delete.
- Encryption done sound can be turned on or off from options dialog.
- Enigma will now play the sound called "Enigma Sound" if it exists.
- Files will now have the correct type immediately. Previously Enigma would sometimes create files which appeared to have the wrong type until the window was closed and opened or the system rebooted.
- You can no longer perform cut/copy/paste operations in hidden key entry dialogs (it never worked properly anyway)
- Fixed problem making it impossible to extract files from a vault which had been renamed to a length greater than 31 characters. Filenames in vaults are now firmly limited to 31 characters (same as the Macintosh Operating System).
- Stationary documents now handled properly (stationary encrypted not a copy).
- Fixed crash when "About..." selected with a vault open
Version 2.1 (released 10/93)
- The annoying crash caused when an incorrect password is entered has been fixed.
- Vaults can now be compacted which will save space when files are frequently added to and deleted from a vault.
- Within vaults, the sizes of individual files are displayed.
- You can now double click on a file in a vault to extract it.
- New options have been added to make it less likely you will accidentally overwrite a file you didn't want to.
- Upon completion of an encryption or decryption operation the program will beep.
- Better (and color) icons!
- The file being processed is now displayed in the status window.
Version 2.0 (released 7/93)
- Enigma now supports vaults. A vault is a collection of files encrypted together. Individual files within a vault may be extracted, renamed or deleted and new files can be added to the vault at any time.
- The annoying start up delay in Enigma 1.2 has been eliminated.
- There was a bug in Enigma 1.2 which resulted in files being a few bytes longer than they should have been. This has been fixed, decrypted files will now be exactly the same length as the original file.
- Enigma 2.0 now uses a preferences file stored in the system folder. This will make the program more compatible with network usage.
- The string ".???" which Enigma 1.2 appended to encrypted files can be edited by the user to a string of his or her choice.
Version 1.2 (released 3/93)
- Encryptions and decryptions are now 12 times faster!
- Plain-text files can optionally be destroyed (overwritten) after encryption.
- Running Enigma over an Apple Talk network is about 100 times faster.
- The key you type in can optionally be hidden.
- The program will now quit after completing a drag-and-drop event.
- The key is now cleared from memory as soon as possible to be sure that a memory dump will not expose your key.
- For those interested in upgrading, you can now choose between the limited and full DES encryption on a file by file basis.
Version 1.1 (released 10/92)
- Several bugs in the user interface have been squashed
- The program is now System 7 aware but remains compatible with any Mac.
- Improved support for encryption and decryption of multiple files.
- Encryption of applications and documents with resource forks is now supported.
Version 1.0 (released 9/92)
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